PageNet recognizes that Employment Equity is a value at the core of our mandate as a community leader and as an industry leading employer.
Employment Equity recognizes the value and dignity of each individual and ensures that each individual will have genuine, open and unhindered access to employment opportunities free from artificial barriers, whether systemic or otherwise.
Employment Equity involves hiring the most suitably qualified candidate for any open position while ensuring that the hiring process and the qualifications required for each position are fair and equitable for all persons. Accordingly, PageNet seeks to integrate fully the principles of Employment Equity with our other human-resource policies and procedures in order to ensure that all present and potential employees receive equitable treatment in all matters related to employment.
PageNet will take appropriate steps to ensure that, throughout the entire organization, representation rates of historically disadvantaged groups reflect their availability within the labour force of the external community.
All members of the community play a role in the success of Employment Equity. Final responsibility and accountability for PageNet’s Employment Equity Policy, however, rests with Senior Management.
PageNet will:
- Continue to build a diverse workforce that is representative of the pool of potential candidates with appropriate qualifications from designated groups, while retaining individual merit and achievement as the prime criterion for all staffing decisions;
- Ensure that all employment related decisions are based on principles of individual merit and achievement (that is, on such matters as job performance criteria such as skills, knowledge, and abilities relevant to specific positions) and not on factors unrelated to a person’s ability to do the job;
- Ensure that PageNet regulations, policies and practices do not have an adverse impact, direct or indirect, on the employment and advancement of members of designated groups;
- Seek to increase the range of applicants for all staff positions to reflect the diversity of the pool of potential candidates with appropriate qualifications from designated groups;
- Ensure that, where candidates do not differ in merit, employment decisions are guided by the PageNet policy on employment equity;
- Seek to make reasonable adjustments for differences related to belonging to a designated group thereby enabling them to compete equally with others;
- Identify those sectors of the PageNet workforce wherein members of the designated groups are under-represented and to develop measures to address such under-representation;